Counselling with professional experience

Do you already have relevant professional experience and are you looking for a consultancy that combines top-level work with an exceptional corporate culture? Then we look forward to receiving your application! We in the leadership team believe in a healthy mix of undconsorten experience, fresh impetus and new perspectives. That's why we are always on the lookout for experienced reinforcements.

With 2-3 years of professional experience as a Senior Associate

With 2-3 years of relevant professional experience, you will usually join us as a Senior Associate. Ideally, you will have consulting experience or consulting-like experience from the industry, e.g. in the fields of strategy or business development. For the first 3-6 months you will be deployed in a similar way to an Associate and familiarise yourself with our consulting approach and the consulting fields. You will gradually take on more responsibility for your own work streams and smaller projects. In view of the dynamic development of undconsorten, there are always opportunities to actively develop the company further.

Apply now

With more than 3 years of professional experience as a Project Manager or Associate Principal

With more than 3 years of experience in top management consulting, you have the opportunity to apply to us as a Project Manager or Associate Principal. In addition to the operational management of several challenging projects, your responsibilities will include the personal and professional development of our consultants and the further development of our company. Initially, you will preferably be assigned to projects and issues where you can fully utilise your strengths and the client relationships you have already built up. In the meantime, you will receive support from a "buddy", who will also be a senior consultant, to make your start with us easier.

Apply now

Alexandra Teichmann
Senior Associate
Alexandra Teichmann

"It's hard to put into words just how special our corporate culture is - you have to experience it. After the recruitment day, I was already totally impressed - and still am today."

"I've been through several career stages and have always opted to move on for a variety of reasons. I found my sweet spot at undconsorten: A varied, interesting and inspiring job in a relaxed atmosphere with great colleagues."

Alexandra Teichmann

Plus points with undconsorten

We all agree: undconsorten is different from other consultancies. This is evident in various ways.

Projects and clients

How to become part of undconsorten

The process in three steps

1. application

You can apply to us all year round by sending us your complete application documents.

Your complete application:

  • Cover letter
  • Detailed CV in tabular form on a maximum of two pages
  • Copies of all relevant certificates (training, internship and/or work references)

2. preliminary interview with one of our partners or principals

If we are convinced by your application, we will invite you to a preliminary interview. Here we can get a first impression of each other.

3rd recruiting day

We invite you in person to one of our offices and get to know you in a series of interviews. After three interviews in the morning, all interviewees will discuss their assessments together and you will receive initial feedback after lunch. If this feedback is positive, two further interviews will then take place with our partners. We will then inform you of our final decision.

Frequently asked questions

To provide you with comprehensive guidance and support on your career path, we have put together this collection of frequently asked questions and detailed answers. We understand that the application process can be fraught with uncertainty. Our answers are designed to help remove these uncertainties and provide you with a sound basis for a successful application.

What documents do we need?
What is a recruiting day?
What is important in the interviews?

Wir sind Hidden Champion

Das macht uns sehr stolz und dankbar: Wir sind zum fünften Mal in Folge zum Hidden Champion gewählt worden und haben unsere Ergebnisse aus den Vorjahren sogar noch übertroffen.

Diese Anerkennung verdanken wir nicht irgendjemandem, sondern den Menschen, die entscheidend sind: unseren Klienten. Sie bestätigen uns einmal mehr, dass wir auf unserem Gebiet besser arbeiten als McKinsey, BCG und Bain.

Wir freuen uns sehr über diese Würdigung unserer Leistung!

Mehr zum Hidden Champion

Insights from our consorts

Talk to us.

Do you still have questions or are you interested in becoming part of undconsorten? Get in touch with me - I'll be happy to help you.

T +49 (0) 30 88 92 94-0

Nancy Wilfling
Nancy Wilfling
HR Specialist