What makes us special - People take centre stage

We focus on co-production and #eyelevel - in our strong team and with our clients. This is what the name "undconsorten" stands for. We work together to develop solutions that work. We consciously say: Our clients remain responsible. But we are their loyal companions - as consultants, moderators, sparring partners and coaches.

We endeavour to ensure that our consulting services have a lasting impact - which is why our concepts always focus first and foremost on feasibility.

To achieve this, we combine expertise in our subject areas with strategic, business-oriented thinking. We incorporate the knowledge and experience of the respective organisation through innovative methods and workshop formats and involve managers and experts so that our clients' organisations can always continue to work independently.

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A success story

undconsorten was founded in 2006 by Dr Jens Müller-Oerlinghausen and Dr Axel Sauder. In addition to their time together at McKinsey, the two founders not only shared a close friendship, but also an enthusiasm for combining strategy and HR issues.

Since then, we have grown steadily - and are currently represented at two locations in Berlin and Munich. We now have more than 40 experienced and passionate consultants who are committed to our clients' success.

Our client portfolio also speaks for the effectiveness of our work. We have worked or are working for more than half of the DAX companies and a large number of SDAX companies, family businesses, SMEs, private equity firms and many public institutions - and are passionate about contributing to our clients' success.

Detailed version of the success story

This is what we stand for - these values guide our work


Loyalty & courage

In our consulting services we give our clients personal support - beyond the project context, with commitment and the courage to send clear messages.

Excellence & pragmatism

Together we develop excellent, creative solutions and measure success by their implementation.

Client & Consort

We work for the success of our clients and their organisation. This goal takes precedence over all others.


Challenge & community

We offer challenging consulting tasks and development prospects - in a community that supports and trusts each other.

Performance & humility

We are a meritocracy that critically and openly scrutinises its own performance.

Entrepreneurship & growth

Consorts take initiative, assume responsibility and participate in our joint success.


Team & personality

We value diverse personalities and perspectives that make teamwork successful.

Contradiction & reliability

The better argument counts. Clear roles and independence make us productive and reliable.

Passion & balance

We draw our energy from enthusiasm for successful change - and a fulfilling private life.

Corporate Social Responsibility
We take responsibility

An important part of our self-image is our clear commitment to social issues. We see excellent education as the basis of our work. It is a decisive factor for the quality of personnel and thus determines the success of a company. In the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we therefore place a special focus on education - as we see it as the best way to bring about positive social change.

Our consulting approach has also proven its worth in the non-profit sector, and we have already been able to help many companies and organisations. We are interested in projects that aim to change society and organisations and inspire other people. We have supported several such projects in recent years.

Becoming active together

Can you imagine that we could also help your organisation, foundation, social start-up, etc.? Then contact us at csr@undconsorten.de.

We look forward to your enquiry!

Sustainability - We are working on ourselves

The far-sighted and considerate use of natural resources is important to us. Because we take our corporate social responsibility seriously, we are constantly working to become part of the solution to the climate and biodiversity crisis. Our emissions are mainly caused by travelling, heating, electricity and consumables, and not all of these can be avoided. Knowing that we are still at the beginning of our efforts, we strive for continuous improvement.

In addition to the individual efforts of our employees, an internal sustainability initiative is working to change the mindset and framework conditions within our company so that we can operate as sustainably as possible, also in dialogue with our clients.

Reducing ourCO2 emissions is particularly important to us. We therefore encourage our employees to travel by train instead of by plane and have been using electricity from 100% renewable energy sources since 2014.

While we continuously promote climate-conscious behaviour within our teams, we committed to offsetting all our emissions at the beginning of 2020. That is why we are working with PRIMAKLIMA and have been awarded the climate-neutral site seal by the climate protection organisation. Together, we are working on further reducing our emissions and consistently offsetting unavoidableCO2 emissions.