We shed light on the details of workforce transformation with you

Together with the German Association of HR Managers (BPM), we once again organised the Workforce Transformation webinars this year with numerous keynote speeches and opportunities for discussion. We have summarised the practical experiences and proven approaches of the participating companies as well as current case studies and analyses for you. Download the whitepaper here:

Download Whitepaper

Presentation Talent Acquisition Webinar

At a time when there is a chronic shortage of skilled workers, talent management is of crucial importance. It is increasingly important to focus on the needs of talent along the talent lifecycle. If you want to be successful in the long term, you need to act now, break up outdated talent management structures and take measures to retain talent in your company in the long term. In this webinar, we will shed light on the challenges facing HR professionals today. Find out what needs to be considered in order to be fit for the future as a company.

Click here for the PDF of the event

Presentation Upskilling Webinar

New technologies, expanded business areas and agile working methods require your employees to take their skills and knowledge to a new level. Only those who manage to take them along on the path to digital transformation and close skill gaps can successfully meet the challenges.

An upskilling strategy is not only crucial for employee retention, but also for the growth and development of the company. In this webinar, you will learn how to integrate upskilling into your day-to-day work.

Click here for the PDF of the event.

Presentation Retention Webinar

Active retention management of qualified employees is often not anchored in a company's HR strategy, neither is HR responsibility clarified. This webinar is about integrated approaches to employee retention that address both the key motivational factors for staying with the company along the employee journey and effective structures for organisational support of the topic. The focus is also on top management and executives.

Click here for the PDF of the event.

Glossary on workforce transformation

We explain our view of the most important terms relating to everything that goes hand in hand with the change in workforce structure. The aim is to ensure that all participants in the survey and events have a compatible understanding, i.e. "speak the same language".

To the glossary

Series of events in cooperation with the BPM

We are currently experiencing a revolution in corporate learning in many sectors, a real explosion of education. Automation, machine learning, demographic change, a shortage of skilled labour, the gig economy and sustainability - all of these factors are combining to create enormous pressure for change. They demand a permanent, concerted and flexible response from organisations with a high degree of urgency and scope.

Figures make it clear that this is a real megatrend and that Germany is still at the very beginning. Reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, around 4 million Germans will have to reorient themselves professionally by 2030. These are enormous figures given that around 11.5 million employees will retire in the same period, while demographic trends expect around 6.5 million new employees. This decade is therefore dominated by the upheavals in the labour market and their consequences for business.

We look forward to the exchange.

Dr. Jens Müller-Oerlinghausen
Dr. Jens Müller-Oerlinghausen
Stefan Ulrich
Stefan Ulrich